Single Wide vs Double Wide Trailer – What’s the Difference?

In the world of mobile homes, the decision between a single-wide and a double-wide trailer can be a pivotal one. It’s not just about size; it’s about a myriad of factors that come into play when choosing the right fit for your lifestyle and needs. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of single-wide and double-wide trailers, exploring their unique features, advantages, and limitations. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision about which type of trailer suits you best.

Single Wide vs Double Wide Trailer

What Is Single Wide Trailer

A single-wide trailer, often referred to as a single-wide mobile home, is a type of manufactured housing that is known for its compact and narrow design. These homes are typically characterized by their single-section construction, making them narrower than double-wide trailers.

Key Features of a Single Wide Trailer

  • Size: Single-wide trailers are generally between 14 to 18 feet in width and 70 to 90 feet in length, which gives them a relatively smaller footprint compared to double wides.
  • Layout: The interior layout of a single wide trailer is typically open and functional, with spaces like the living room, dining area, and kitchen flowing seamlessly into one another. Bedrooms and bathrooms are well-designed to make the most of the available space.
  • Affordability: Single wide trailers are often more budget-friendly than their larger counterparts, making them an attractive option for individuals or families looking for cost-effective housing solutions.
  • Energy Efficiency: Due to their smaller size, single wide trailers can be more energy-efficient, which can result in lower utility bills, saving homeowners money in the long run.
  • Maintenance: These homes are relatively easier and more cost-effective to maintain compared to larger structures, making them a practical choice for those who prefer low-maintenance living.
  • Customization: While customization options may be somewhat limited due to the compact layout, creative design solutions can still make a single wide trailer a comfortable and personalized living space.

What Is Double Wide Trailer

A double wide trailer is essentially two single wide units that are manufactured separately and then joined together at the site of installation. This joining creates a wide and open interior space, with dimensions ranging from 20 to 32 feet in width, making it significantly broader than a single wide.

The primary distinction of a double wide trailer is its roominess. The added width translates into larger rooms, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and common areas like the kitchen and living room. This extra space provides homeowners with a greater degree of comfort and flexibility in terms of interior design and furnishings.

Double wides are known for their versatility, making them an attractive option for families and individuals who seek a more spacious and customizable living environment. Whether you’re looking for a home with ample room for a growing family or simply desire more space to stretch out and relax, a double wide trailer can offer a solution that caters to your needs.

In terms of exterior appearance, double wide trailers often feature a combination of materials such as vinyl siding or wood paneling. They can be customized to match various architectural styles, allowing homeowners to express their personal tastes and preferences.

Key Factors to Consider

When you’re in the market for a mobile home, the choice between a single wide and a double wide trailer is a significant decision. It’s not just about size; it’s about finding the perfect fit for your lifestyle, needs, and budget. In this article, we’ll dive into the key factors you should consider when making this important choice.

Budget and Affordability

Assess Your Budget: Begin by taking a close look at your budget. Determine how much you’re willing and able to spend on your mobile home. Single wide trailers are generally more budget-friendly upfront, making them a great option if you’re on a tight budget.

Consider Long-Term Costs: It’s not just the initial purchase price; you also need to think about ongoing costs. Single wide trailers often come with lower utility bills and maintenance costs, which can be a big plus for your budget over time.

Space Requirements

Evaluate Your Space Needs: Think about your living space requirements. Consider the size of your family and your lifestyle. Single wide trailers can be a good fit for smaller families or individuals, while double wide trailers offer more room for larger households.

Versatility for Activities: Take into account how you plan to use your space. Do you need extra room for hobbies or a home office? Double wide trailers provide the flexibility for various activities, making them a suitable choice if you require versatile living spaces.

Location and Zoning Regulations

Check Local Zoning Laws: Before you decide, research local zoning regulations that pertain to mobile homes. It’s essential to ensure that your chosen trailer type complies with these rules, as they can vary significantly from one area to another.

Find the Right Location: Explore potential locations for your mobile home. Consider factors like proximity to work, schools, and amenities, as well as the availability of suitable land for your chosen trailer type. Location plays a crucial role in your overall satisfaction.

Family Size and Dynamics

Accommodate Your Family: If you have a growing family or anticipate changes in your household, consider how well each trailer type can accommodate your needs. Double wide trailers offer more space, which can be beneficial for changing family dynamics.

Think Long-Term: It’s not just about the present; consider your long-term plans. Are you expecting your family to grow? How do you envision your living space needs evolving over time? Choose a trailer that aligns with your future plans.

Personal Preferences and Style

Reflect Your Taste: Your personal preferences and style matter. Consider the aesthetics and layout that resonate with your tastes. Single wide trailers may require a bit more creativity in design to match your style, while double wides offer more options for customization.

Aesthetic Appeal: Explore the design possibilities and architectural styles available for both single wide and double wide trailers. Your mobile home should feel like a place that reflects your personality and preferences.

Mobility and Relocation Plans

Think About the Future: Consider your long-term plans for your mobile home. Are you looking for a permanent residence, or do you anticipate relocating in the future? Your mobility and relocation plans should align with your choice of trailer.

Transportation Considerations: Keep in mind that relocating a double wide trailer can be more complex and costly due to its size. Single wide trailers offer more flexibility in this regard, making them a practical choice if you foresee moving in the future.

Maintenance and Upkeep

When it comes to choosing between a single wide and a double wide trailer, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is maintenance and upkeep. Both types of trailers require regular care and attention to ensure they remain comfortable and in good condition. 

In this section, we will explore the essential maintenance considerations for single wide and double wide trailers, helping you make an informed decision on which one suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Routine Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning the Exterior: Regardless of whether you opt for a single wide or double wide trailer, regular cleaning of the exterior is essential. This includes removing dirt, dust, and debris from siding, roofing, and windows. A clean exterior not only enhances the appearance but also prevents potential damage caused by dirt buildup.

Inspecting and Sealing Gaps: Inspect the trailer’s exterior for any gaps or cracks that may have developed over time. Properly seal these openings to prevent drafts, water leaks, and pest infestations. Effective sealing is crucial for maintaining energy efficiency.

Roof Maintenance: Both single wide and double wide trailers require periodic roof maintenance. Check for loose shingles, damaged flashing, or signs of wear and tear. Promptly address any roof issues to prevent water damage to the interior.

HVAC System Maintenance: Ensure that your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is regularly serviced. Clean or replace filters as needed to maintain indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Plumbing and Electrical Systems

Regular Plumbing Checks: In both single wide and double wide trailers, plumbing systems should be inspected for leaks, drips, or clogs. Check faucets, pipes, and connections to prevent water wastage and potential damage.

Electrical Inspections: Electrical safety is paramount. Periodically inspect the electrical wiring, outlets, and switches for any signs of wear or damage. Address any electrical issues promptly to avoid hazards.

Exterior Maintenance

Landscaping: Consider the landscaping around your trailer. Keep shrubs and trees trimmed to prevent damage during storms. Well-maintained landscaping enhances the curb appeal of your home.

Siding and Paint: For single wide trailers, the exterior siding may require repainting or resealing to protect against weathering. Double wide trailers also benefit from periodic maintenance of siding and paint.

Deck and Porch Maintenance: If your trailer has a deck or porch, ensure it is structurally sound and well-maintained. Regular cleaning and sealing can prolong the life of these outdoor spaces.

Insulation and Energy Efficiency

Checking Insulation: Proper insulation is key to maintaining a comfortable indoor environment and minimizing energy costs. Inspect the insulation in both single wide and double wide trailers to ensure it is in good condition.

Weatherstripping: Install or replace weatherstripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts and maintain energy efficiency. This simple step can significantly reduce heating and cooling expenses.

Energy-Efficient Appliances: Consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances in your trailer. This investment can lead to long-term savings on utility bills.

Safety Considerations

Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Ensure that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are installed and functioning correctly. Regularly replace batteries and test these devices to guarantee your safety.

Fire Extinguishers: Keep fire extinguishers in easily accessible locations and ensure they are up to date. Knowing how to use them can be a lifesaver in case of emergencies.

Seasonal Maintenance

Winter Preparation: In colder climates, prepare your trailer for winter by insulating water pipes, sealing drafts, and checking the heating system. Proper winterization prevents freezing and potential damage.

Summer Maintenance: During the warmer months, focus on maintaining your cooling system, such as air conditioning units or fans. Keep windows and doors properly sealed to minimize energy loss.

Customization and Layout Options

When it comes to choosing between a single wide and a double wide trailer, one of the crucial factors to consider is customization and layout options. Your mobile home should not only meet your functional needs but also reflect your personal style and preferences. Let’s explore how each type of trailer offers distinct customization possibilities and layout advantages.

Single Wide Customization

Single wide trailers, while more compact in size compared to double wides, offer a surprising range of customization options. Here are some key points to consider:

Space Utilization: Single wide trailers require efficient use of space. They often feature open floor plans that allow for creative furniture arrangements and storage solutions. You can maximize every square foot to suit your needs.

Interior Design: Despite the limited width, single wide trailers can be customized to match your aesthetic preferences. Choose from a variety of interior finishes, color schemes, and flooring options to create a cozy and stylish living space.

Layout Flexibility: While single wide layouts are generally more straightforward, you have the flexibility to personalize the arrangement of rooms and spaces. This allows you to adapt the trailer to your specific lifestyle, whether it’s a single individual, a couple, or a small family.

Additions and Upgrades: Single wide trailers can be enhanced with additions like porches, decks, or carports, depending on your available space and local regulations. These additions provide extra living areas and outdoor spaces for relaxation and entertainment.

Double Wide Customization

Double wide trailers, being larger by design, offer even more extensive customization possibilities. Here’s what you can expect:

Spacious Interiors: With the wider footprint of a double wide trailer, you have more room to play with when it comes to interior design. Enjoy spacious living areas, larger bedrooms, and expanded bathrooms, all of which can be customized to your liking.

Room Layouts: Double wide trailers often feature multiple layout options. You can choose from various configurations, including different bedroom placements, open-concept living spaces, and additional rooms like offices or playrooms.

Premium Features: Double wides often come with premium features such as walk-in closets, ensuite bathrooms, and even gourmet kitchens. Customize these features to match your lifestyle and preferences.

Architectural Styles: Double wide trailers can be customized to mimic traditional homes, with features like pitched roofs, dormer windows, and attractive siding options. This allows you to achieve the look of a site-built home with the benefits of a mobile home.

Finding Your Ideal Layout

When deciding between single wide and double wide trailers, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and vision for your home. Here are some tips to help you find your ideal layout:

  1. Assess Your Space Requirements: Determine how much space you truly need. Consider your family size, lifestyle, and the types of rooms that are non-negotiable for you.
  1. Prioritize Customization: If personalization and unique design elements are crucial to you, explore the customization possibilities offered by both single wide and double wide trailers. Consider which one aligns better with your design goals.
  1. Think Long-Term: Consider your long-term plans. Are you looking for a forever home, or do you anticipate changes in the future? Your choice should accommodate your evolving needs.
  1. Consult with Experts: Reach out to mobile home experts and designers who can provide insights into the customization options available for each type of trailer. They can help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.

Regular Questions

Why Is It Called a Double Wide Trailer?

The term “double wide” is quite straightforward in its origin. It refers to the width of the mobile home, which is precisely twice that of a single wide trailer. While single wide trailers are generally 14 to 18 feet wide, double wide trailers span from 20 to 32 feet in width.

Is a Double Wide the Same as a Mobile Home?

A common misconception is that “double wide” and “mobile home” are interchangeable terms. However, they are not synonymous. A mobile home is a broader category that encompasses various sizes and styles of manufactured homes, including both single wide and double wide options.

What Size Are Most Double Wide Mobile Homes?

When it comes to double wide mobile homes, the size can vary considerably within the defined range of 20 to 32 feet in width. Most commonly, you’ll find double wide trailers that are around 24 feet wide. This width strikes a balance between spaciousness and affordability, making it a popular choice among homebuyers.

What Is the Widest Single Wide Mobile Home?

While single wide mobile homes are known for their more modest dimensions compared to double wides, there is some variation in their width as well. Typically, single wide trailers measure between 14 to 18 feet in width. Among these, the widest single wide mobile homes you’ll commonly encounter are 18 feet wide.


Choosing between a single wide and a double wide trailer is a decision that should not be taken lightly. It involves assessing your budget, space requirements, location, and personal preferences. Consider your family dynamics and future plans, along with the maintenance and customization options that matter.

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